今天來朝聖北投附近有名咖啡廳,朋友上班時會專程來吃塊蛋糕再趕回上班的好吃程度。讓我好奇是怎樣咖啡廳。 ㄧ到門口,映入眼簾是ㄧ棵大樹門前種檸檬與各種香草,很舒服的環境。 北投穀倉曾經負擔大台北地區1/4稻作儲藏功能,時代更換,陽明山稻田轉作休息,如今穀倉不止儲藏早期的歷史,也繼續供給人們生活的養份。 捨米屋咖啡廳-聯結早期米倉的記憶,配合當地的水果,手作手工巧克力與甜點,夏日炎炎來杯沁涼氣泡冰咖啡與西班牙鹽味磅蛋糕,暑氣全消,推薦北投旅客來走走,現場不能預約,假日容易客滿喔 地址:北投大同街153號1號倉庫(走路從on my way hostel 出發約15分)
On My Way Taipei Hostel is one of the very few legal hostels in Taiwan and opened by a group Taiwan’s backpackers who have much fantastic traveling experience in different countries. According to this experience, we create a customize hostel in order to satisfy all backpackers in the world.We sincerely invite you to live our hostel and share your interesting life’ story to us.