【途中青旅X夏遊抽抽樂】 夏日限時人人有獎! 即日起至9.15,凡入住途中品牌系列各店,均可以獲得一次抽獎機會,不僅人人有獎,還有機會抽中最大獎1元住宿券喔! 注意事項: 1.優惠券適用兌換日:2017.9.16~2018.1.20(中秋、國慶日連續假期、新曆跨年連假及寒假不能使用) 2.限電話、email、FB或直接至櫃台與我們預約,訂房時請主動出示優惠券並告知要使用此優惠 3.適用兌換期間,途中系列各店皆可兌換此優惠券 4.此活動不得與其他優惠方案併用 5.途中青年旅舍擁有本活動最終解釋權 #夏日出遊 #抽獎 #1元住宿券 #九份 #青旅#有抽就有折 #台北 #花蓮 #台東 via Instagram http://ift.tt/2vfg6Nm http://ift.tt/1Zj4L4M 途中 青年旅舍 青年旅館
On My Way Taipei Hostel is one of the very few legal hostels in Taiwan and opened by a group Taiwan’s backpackers who have much fantastic traveling experience in different countries. According to this experience, we create a customize hostel in order to satisfy all backpackers in the world.We sincerely invite you to live our hostel and share your interesting life’ story to us.