新年快樂~~~~ 途中花蓮黃金三角難得團聚祝大家新的一年超級順利加薪升官發達財 感謝大家今年的照顧 從地震之後我們感受到很多溫暖 希望大家明依舊保持溫暖善良喜悅的心情 面對生命中每一個必然的小事大事 愛你們~ #onmywayhualien #happynewyear #2019 #2018 via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BsDcGJnAdH-/ www.onmywayhostel.com 途中 青年旅舍 青年旅館
On My Way Taipei Hostel is one of the very few legal hostels in Taiwan and opened by a group Taiwan’s backpackers who have much fantastic traveling experience in different countries. According to this experience, we create a customize hostel in order to satisfy all backpackers in the world.We sincerely invite you to live our hostel and share your interesting life’ story to us.