北投人日常PART2 北投說書人導覽活動 如果想要找一個地方看見北投人的庶民生活,就要由在地人做深度介紹。讓說書人帶你逛市場、吃東西、聊文化! 走入這本關於北投市場與北投的另一段故事,體會它那傳統卻又時髦的魅力! https://ift.tt/2XzrOBc 導覽時間:每天09:00~10:00(採預約制) 費用:原價TWD250/人->旅客優惠TWD150/人 via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BzNuF6eJ_cf/ www.onmywayhostel.com 途中 青年旅舍 青年旅館
On My Way Taipei Hostel is one of the very few legal hostels in Taiwan and opened by a group Taiwan’s backpackers who have much fantastic traveling experience in different countries. According to this experience, we create a customize hostel in order to satisfy all backpackers in the world.We sincerely invite you to live our hostel and share your interesting life’ story to us.