大家好,如果可以幫外國的朋友一個忙~~ HANDMADE BAMBOO BICYCLE TRAILER Vikki 和 France是在澎湖教書的一對情侶,原本只是想要來亞洲教書,意外的到了小島上教了一年的書。後來要離開台灣時,決定要環島拉! 帶著一台自製的竹子車,環了一圈島。 由於他們車子太大,所以不能進入火車,也走了最危險的蘇花公路,聽vikki說他有一瞬間覺得生命會在台灣結束,因為卡車是貼著他們,而她的腳很多的瘀青。 問她瘀青是怎麼來的?她說因為他們車子過於大台,上坡又太陡他們就下來用牽的,所以FRANCE用力的腳踏車牽著竹子車,她覺得他已經很疲憊,就不想要再製造他的疲憊,所以就默默忍受下來了ㄒㄒ,超級感人的情侶檔,幸好他們安全的抵達這裡了~~ 下一站,他們即將前往非洲。 所以,陪著他們的那台自製超強竹子車(全部純手工唷!),目前要忍痛賣出拉,有想要買的人也可以跟他們聯繫唷!!他們現在很苦惱呢! 如果希望能幫他們卻買不起的,也可以幫忙他們分享~~ 因為他們來住我們家青旅,告訴我他們很苦惱,我腦熱就跟他們說可以幫他們分享拉!希望可以幫他們成功售出,這台車真的太酷! ps 可議價!!!! HANDMADE BAMBOO BICYCLE TRAILER - handmade heat treated bamboo trailer with twine netting for containing storage, racks for surfboards or long objects. - suitable to carry luggage, shopping, your dog or even your child! - can hold weight up to 80kg, storage area 1.3x1.5m including axle total length is 2 metres. -arm attachment, 4MM aluminium, 50cm - allows for 3 dimensions of movement. (Up and down, side to side, left to right). -wheel brackets and bike connection are made of 4MM stainless steal. Professionally welded. - can suit all types of bicycle, very strong and light, needs little maintenance. - sturdy and reliable; we've never had one problem with it and we have cycled almost the whole of Taiwan! Price is negotiable if bought with the bicycle. (See our other post). We are selling due to us unfortunately leaving this beautiful country, we are sad to let go but know it will go to a great home!
On My Way . Taipei Hostel / 途中.台北 青年旅舍 青年旅館 http://ift.tt/1NOa70E http://ift.tt/1Zj4L4M 途中 青年旅舍 青年旅館