來花蓮還有一個避暑的靜態景點,距離賞鯨碼頭很近。 玩累了附近還有小型魚市可以果腹,重點是可以避開人擠人唷!!! #花蓮 #青年旅舍 #Hualien #途中青旅 #OnMyWay #Hostel #backpacker #背包客 #paining #enjoyyourlife #onmywayhualien 圖片來源:http://ift.tt/294mXPX via Instagram http://ift.tt/294nbqf http://ift.tt/1Zj4L4M 途中 青年旅舍 青年旅館
On My Way Taipei Hostel is one of the very few legal hostels in Taiwan and opened by a group Taiwan’s backpackers who have much fantastic traveling experience in different countries. According to this experience, we create a customize hostel in order to satisfy all backpackers in the world.We sincerely invite you to live our hostel and share your interesting life’ story to us.