華亮是個念服裝設計的香港女生,在一次有趣的機緣下,開始了在台灣學藍染的課程,剛好也在這次看似長途的旅行中,發現了自己以往沒有發現過的自己,原來旅程不只是旅程,旅程也是一種課程...... (還有她最喜歡的長頸鹿)
途中.花蓮 青年旅舍 青年旅館 / On My Way Hualien Hostel http://ift.tt/1VYBazE http://ift.tt/1Zj4L4M 途中 青年旅舍 青年旅館
On My Way Taipei Hostel is one of the very few legal hostels in Taiwan and opened by a group Taiwan’s backpackers who have much fantastic traveling experience in different countries. According to this experience, we create a customize hostel in order to satisfy all backpackers in the world.We sincerely invite you to live our hostel and share your interesting life’ story to us.